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Mittwoch, 21. April 2010
Damit kann ich jetzt endlich auch im Zelt Ipod gucken!
Geniales TV-Zelt aus den USA namens As-Seen-on-TV Hat - damit muss ich wenigstens nicht sehen wie die Leute um mich rum verstörte Blicke auf mich werfen...
2 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
Electricity seems to be on everyone's mind these days. So we buy [url="http://standbygenerators.terapad.com"]power generators[/url] and various other power generation equipment for every use. Backup Generators, Portable Generators, and [url="http://standbygenerators.posterous.com"]Standby Generators[/url]. If you are experiencing any power problems and would like to produce your own power and gain an advantage in your daily life or business activites, please contact us
2 Kommentare:
Electricity seems to be on everyone's mind these days. So we buy [url="http://standbygenerators.terapad.com"]power generators[/url] and various other power generation equipment for every use. Backup Generators, Portable Generators, and [url="http://standbygenerators.posterous.com"]Standby Generators[/url]. If you are experiencing any power problems and would like to produce your own power and gain an advantage in your daily life or business activites, please contact us
Also ich finds gut, dann muss man wenigstens nicht mehr die Menschen um sich herum sehen /sarkasmus ;-)
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